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Debris Clearance Day - May 2024


On a bright and sunny weekend, we, the Friends of Hawkhead Cemetery, gathered for our first debris clearance day, and the results were nothing short of remarkable. As a dedicated group of community volunteers, we came together with a common goal: to restore and preserve the beauty and dignity of Hawkhead Cemetery. By the end of the weekend, we had successfully cleared over 150 bin bags of debris, marking a significant step in our ongoing efforts to help maintain Hawkhead Cemetery.

A Community United

We are a diverse group of local residents, history enthusiasts, and environmental advocates. Our mission is to ensure that the cemetery remains a serene and respectful resting place for generations past and future. The turnout for our debris clearance day was a testament to the community’s commitment to this cause, with around seven volunteers on Saturday and around twelve on Sunday showing up.

Volunteers of all ages arrived equipped with gloves, rakes, and an indomitable spirit. Families, friends, and neighbors worked side by side, sharing stories and complimenting each other's progress as we cleaned. The event was not just about removing debris; it was about fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.

The Day’s Achievements

Clearing over 150 bin bags of debris is no small feat. We tackled everything from fallen leaves and branches to litter and other waste. Our collective effort has already made a visible difference, enhancing the cemetery’s natural beauty and creating a more welcoming environment for visitors to the area of the baby garden memorials. Several of us commented on the emotional impact of the day. “It’s incredible to see how much we can accomplish when we work together,” said Jane Thompson, one of our dedicated members. “Hawkhead Cemetery is a part of our community’s heritage, and it’s rewarding to contribute to its upkeep.”

Looking Ahead

We have many more debris clean-up days planned for the future, so join us on Facebook to stay posted. Our goals include further clean-up days and initiatives to educate the public about the historical significance of the cemetery. We also aim to involve regular community engagement and support.

“We’re just getting started,” said Desmond Barr, our event organizer. “Today’s success shows the power of community action. We hope more people will join us in our future efforts.”

How You Can Get Involved

If you’re inspired by the work we’re doing at the Friends of Hawkhead Cemetery, there are many ways to get involved. Whether you can volunteer your time, donate supplies, or help spread the word, your contribution is valuable. Follow us on social media for updates on future events and opportunities to participate.

Our first debris clearance day was a resounding success, and it’s clear that we are making a positive impact. Our dedication and hard work serve as an inspiring reminder of what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared purpose. Let’s continue to support and celebrate our efforts in preserving a treasured piece of our history.